The official blog for the Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences

Fulbright College Names New Associate Deans and Leadership Responsibilities

by | Sep 7, 2023 | Announcements, Dean's Corner, Faces of Fulbright, Features

To better streamline communication and support our departments, programs, centers, faculty, staff, and students, Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences Interim Dean Kathryn Sloan recently named several new and returning members of the Dean’s Office leadership team and their responsibilities.

“I’m excited to introduce our Associate Deans and, after restructuring their roles over the summer, to share their responsibilities and the focal points for each of them, which we determined together with the goal of providing the highest level of support to our college,” Sloan said.

This new structure departs from the previous alignment with the college’s four academic disciplines and is modeled more on a traditional Provost’s Office configuration, with each leader focusing on specific areas and types of needs of the college, which will provide more equity and overall better service.

“With our college’s focus on inclusive excellence, this new leadership structure, and this team at the helm, I know we’re in for a fantastic year and future ahead in Fulbright College,” Sloan said.

The Fulbright College Associate Deans include:


Christopher L. Liner joined the U of A in its Department of Geosciences in 2012 and holds the Maurice F. Storm Chair of Petroleum Geology. His research interests center on energy transition, geothermal potential in Arkansas, and carbon sequestration, as well as carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs and near surface geophysical methods.

As Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Liner will serve as a leader and champion in the areas of assessment, accreditation, curricular innovation and international education. He will also work with the dean’s leadership team, unit leaders, and campus partners to ensure that college programs exceed accreditation and/or reputational benchmarks. Additionally, he will oversee the student experience and student-related matters for the college to guarantee a high-quality student learning experience for all students and promote inclusive excellence.

His responsibilities include collaborating with unit leaders to initiate and facilitate new academic programs, certificates, minors, and majors; conducting biannual assessments of program viability; supporting existing academic programs and accreditation, including program assessment; managing enrollment, small classes, Global Campus, and study abroad; serving as liaison to the college’s Honors program; and representing the college on the Undergraduate Council and the Strategic Enrollment Committee.

David S. McNabb joined the U of A in its Department of Biological Sciences in 2000, where he has served as a faculty member, vice chair, and chair. His research interests center on the development and identification of antifungal compounds or peptides for potential use in the treatment of fungal infections in humans, the role of the CCAAT-binding factor in Candida albicans pathogenesis and the application of solid-state nanopores as single molecule detectors for applications in biological systems.

As Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure, McNabb will promote best practices in the management and oversight of funded research initiatives, research space, and advance new and continued research activity. He will also evaluate preproposals, oversee startup, research, and travel funds for college, and work with the dean’s leadership team to coordinate research, grant-writing workshops, appropriate space usage, and inclusive excellence.

His responsibilities include representing the college on university committees related to research, space, and compliance; monitoring and facilitating faculty entrepreneurship/intellectual property; overseeing research travel, startup, and renovation funds; overseeing research centers and interdisciplinary science programs, engaging in space and infrastructure planning; and representing the college on the Graduate Council.

Shauna A. Morimoto joined the U of A in its Department of Sociology and Criminology in 2008 where she served as a faculty member and chair, and previously held the position of Provost Fellow for the Office of the Provost and Faculty Affairs. Her research interests include democracy and opportunity, institutional transformation, intersectionality, generational change, and social movements and social change.

As Associate Dean for Faculty Success, Morimoto will coordinate efforts in the college to build stronger faculty skills, enhance career development, and identify and eliminate obstacles to faculty success. She will also work closely with the dean’s leadership team and campus partners on faculty-related policies, processes, robust faculty development programming, and inclusive excellence – focusing on all faculty regardless of rank or status to promote success at every state of the faculty career lifecycle.

Her responsibilities include assisting departments with faculty recruiting, hiring, retirement, and emeritus nominations; facilitating both internal and external faculty excellence and honorific awards; collaborating with department chairs on faculty workloads; and developing and offering a suite of faculty development programming aimed at the faculty career lifecycle, including mentoring, promotion, and more.

Stephanie Ricker Schulte joined the U of A in its Department of Communication in 2008 where she served as a faculty member, vice chair, and chair. Her research explores communication technologies, popular culture, and transnational media policy and examines the multidirectional relationships between technological design, American culture, and policymaking.

As Associate Dean for Academic Units and Leadership Development, Schulte works closely with unit leaders to build and foster excellence in scholarship and creative activity, teaching, service, and engagement. She partners with their units to address unit needs, brainstorm solutions, promote effective shared governance, and align unit efforts with the mission of the College and the University. Uribe also works closely with the dean’s leadership team and campus partners to develop and support unit leadership, inclusive excellence, and advise the Dean on unit challenges and successes.

The primary areas she provides service and support to include ArtChemistry and BiochemistryEconomics, English, GeosciencesHistoryMusicPhysics, Political SciencePsychological ScienceInternational and Global Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Academic Minors, the David and Barbara Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History, and the Community Music School.

Lia Uribe joined the U of A in its Department of Music in 2013 where she served as a faculty member, director of undergraduate studies, vice chair and chair, in which she was the second woman and first person of Latin heritage to chair the department. She is an internationally recognized bassoonist, chamber musician, orchestral player and teaching artist whose research is centered on Latin-American, Latinx and historically marginalized and underrepresented music and composers.

As Associate Dean for Academic Units and Leadership Development, Uribe works closely with unit leaders to build and foster excellence in scholarship and creative activity, teaching, service, and engagement. She partners with their units to address unit needs, brainstorm solutions, promote effective shared governance, and align unit efforts with the mission of the College and the University. Uribe also works closely with the dean’s leadership team and campus partners to develop and support unit leadership, inclusive excellence, and advise the Dean on unit challenges and successes.

The primary areas she provides service and support to include AnthropologyBiological SciencesCommunicationJournalism, Mathematical Sciences, PhilosophySocial Work, Sociology and Criminology, Theatre, World Languages, African and African American StudiesAsian StudiesLatin American and Latino StudiesMiddle East StudiesClassical Studies, Gender Studies, the Community and Family Institute, and KUAF Public Radio.


“It’s been said many times, but it’s absolutely true – our college is the academic heart and soul of the U of A,” Sloan said. “And with these leadership and responsibility updates, together we are exceptionally well poised to have a remarkable positive impact on our students, community, and beyond as we embody our college’s focus on inclusive excellence and our mission of ‘peace through education.’”

“If I, our Associate Deans, or others in the Dean’s Office can help in any way, please reach out and let us know,” she added.

