The official blog for the Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences

Fulbright College Calls for Video Submissions for New Student Open House Website

by | Jul 1, 2020 | Announcements, Outreach & Impact, Student Success

Old Main​While the University of Arkansas will welcome students back to campus this fall, events will still look a little different due to COVID-19. Because of this, teams across campus are coming up with unique ways to welcome students back to campus, safely.

In the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, the Fulbright College Student Success team plans to welcome new students by taking their annual Open House online.

A website for the virtual event, “We Welcome You: College of Arts and Sciences,” will feature video introductions for each department or school within the college, giving students the opportunity to learn more about each and to connect with more resources.

And who better to tell that story than the amazing faculty, staff, students and alumni of each department or school?

Video submissions for the website are being collected now through Friday, July 31, and one video will be selected to represent each department or school.

Here are the guidelines for video submissions:

  • Submit a 1 to 3-minute video showcasing your Fulbright College department or school.
  • Start by introducing yourself and the department or school you are speaking about.
  • Reference these video prompts for items to discuss:
    • What is special about your department/school?
    • What do you love most about your department/school?
    • Why would you encourage someone to pursue a major in this department/school?
    • Do you have any special advice for incoming students?

Video submissions are being accepted on the ‘We Welcome You’ website. For any questions about uploading or video submissions, please email

This story also appeared in the University of Arkansas News publication.

Olivia Kays

Communications Project Manager

J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences

479-575-2130 //
