NWA Juneteenth Celebration Returns for 28th Annual Event
The U of A and the NWA Juneteenth Committee invite the Northwest Arkansas community, friends and family to the 2024 Juneteenth Celebration & Freedom Festival on Saturday, June 15, 2024. This year marks 28 years of celebrating Juneteenth in Northwest Arkansas....
Anthropology Students Present Original Research at Society of Ethnobiology Conference
U of A anthropology students presented original research at the 2024 Society of Ethnobiology Conference held April 26 in St. Louis, Missouri. This gathering brought together international ethnobiologists, researchers and practictioners from across disciplines to...
UARK Leaders Program Celebrates Success of Fourth Cohort
Congratulations to the graduating members of the fourth cohort of the UARK Leaders Program. UARK Leaders is an immersive six-month leadership development program for faculty and staff who manage multiple people and oversee large-scale projects or programs. The program...
Journalism Student Continues Tradition of Dow Jones Internships
U of A School of Journalism and Strategic Media senior Rachell Sanchez-Smith will head to the University of Maryland next month for data reporting training as part of the Dow Jones News Fund program. Sanchez-Smith was one of 87 students chosen from more than 1,000...
Two Journalism and Strategic Media Students Head to Hollywood
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists has awarded U of A seniors Larissa Lucas and Rachell Sanchez-Smith full-paid scholarships to attend the 40th annual NAHJ Conference and Expo in Hollywood, California, July 9-13. Both Lucas and Sanchez-Smith are students...