Dean’s Corner
International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Announces Shields for Dirk Hellhammer Award
Grant Shields, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at the U of A, has been awarded the 2024 Dirk Hellhammer Award from the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, or ISPNE, which has recognized distinguished young investigators since 2000....
Political Science Professor Published in The Journal of Politics
Alejandra Campos, assistant professor of political science and Latino studies, was featured in the October volume of The Journal of Politics. Campos' article, titled "The Legislative Legacy of Voter Identification Laws," was co-authored by Jeffrey J. Harden of Notre...
Calabretta-Sajder Named Tiro a Segno Fellow at NYU
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, director of International and Global Studies and associate professor and section head of Italian, was recently awarded the Tiro a Segno Fellowship at New York University. He will be in residence at NYU's New York City campus in fall 2024. "Dr....
History Graduate Student Wins International Prize
History graduate student Katlyn Rozovics won the Nels Andrew Cleven Founder's Prize from the Phi Alpha Theta international history honors society. The award is given annually in recognition of outstanding graduate-level scholarship and honors the founder of the...
Doctoral Candidate Julio Molina Pineda Selected for Prestigious Science Advocacy Fellowship
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, the nation's largest biomedical coalition and leading collective policy voice of 22 scientific societies, announced that Julio Molina Pineda, a doctoral candidate in cell and molecular biology, will be...