Army ROTC Commissions 13 Second Lieutenants
The Army’s newest second lieutenants pictured with Brig. Gen. Douglas S. Lowrey and Col. Richard D. Frank.
Friday, May 12, with family and friends witnessing, the Razorback Battalion — the U of A Army ROTC — commissioned 13 second lieutenants into the United States Army. These second lieutenants went through at least four years of training here on campus and at various military installations throughout the country. Our newest second lieutenants are as follows:
- Dillon R. Allen: B.S.B.A. in management with a concentration in small business/entrepreneurship; Branched Arkansas Army National Guard in Field Artillery
- Skyler M. Bartels: B.S.N. in nursing; Branched Active Duty Army in the Army Nurse Corps
- John M. Boughton: B.S.B.A. in marketing; Branched Texas Army National Guard in the Transportation Corps
- Mitchell A. Calhoun: B.S.B.A. in supply chain management with an enterprise resource planning minor; Branched Active Duty Army in Field Artilery
- Hannah G. Edgar: B.A. in political science; Branched Arkansas Army National Guard in the Military Intelligence Corps
- Caroline C. Ford: B.A. in Arabic and Middle Eastern studies, with honors; Branched Active Duty Army in the Military Intelligence Corps
- Elizabeth M. Krusing: B.S. in public health with minors in human development & family sciences and medical humanities, with honors; Branched Arkansas Army National Guard in the Medical Services Corps
- Beau T. Marr: B.A. in history; Branched Active Duty Army in Field Artillery
- Jackson S. Meharg: B.S.E.E. in electrical engineering; Branched Texas Army National Guard in the Engineering Corps
- Hannah G. Merritt: B.S.N. in nursing; Branched Active Duty Army in the Army Nurse Corps
- Ethan T. Munk: B.S.B.A. in accounting, with Honors; Branched Active Duty Army in Armor
- Justin Hunter Ricks: B.S. in exercise science; Branched Active Duty Army in Infantry
- Wesley D. Solomon: B.S.B.A. in management with a concentration in organizational leadership; Branched Active Duty Army in Infantry
The guest speaker was Brig. Gen. Douglas S. Lowrey, commanding general of the Mission and Installation Contracting Command at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Other VIPs that were present are as follows:
- Lt. Col. William D. Swenson, U.S. Army and Medal of Honor recipient
- Provost Terry Martin, executive vice chancellor for academic affairs
- Col. Kevin Cox, G-3, Arkansas Army National Guard
- Col. Michael Merritt, U.S. Army, retired
- Col. Bob Crawford, U.S. Army, retired, alumnus and president of the local chapter of the Military Officers of America Association
- Col. Michael Anderson, U.S. Army, retired, alumnus
- Ann Bordelon, executive vice chancellor for finance and administration
- Jeremy Battjes, vice chancellor for student affairs
- Mike Malone, vice chancellor for economic development
- Angela Mosley-Monts, interim vice chancellor for diversity, equity and inclusion
- Margaret McCabe, vice chancellor for research and innovation
- Colleen Briney, vice provost for planning
- Jessie Casida, executive director of the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing
- Cynthia Nance, dean of the School of Law
The ceremony was held at the Reynolds Center Auditorium.
The cadre at the Razorback Battalion are very proud of our newest lieutenants. They will be a great contribution to the U.S. Army.
For more information about the Army ROTC, visit our website at or call 479.575.4251.
This story also appeared in the University of Arkansas News publication.