NSF Recognizes Six U of A Students and Recent Alumni
Six University of Arkansas students — two graduate students and four recent alumni — received Graduate Research Fellowships this year from the National Science Foundation. The highly competitive award, considered one of the nation’s top academic honors, is given to...
Goodman Family Endowed Gift Creates Scholarship for Students Studying Sports Media
An endowed gift to the U of A’s Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences and its School of Journalism and Strategic Media by alumnus Matt Goodman has created an endowed scholarship for students majoring in journalism at the U of A who demonstrate excellence in...
A Q&A with Several Fulbright College Alumni Championing the Robert M. Bright Band Scholarship
Four Former Students of Music and Razorback Marching Band’s Robert M. Bright… Jerry A. Young (B.S.E. 1974),Charles “Chuck” Goss (B.S.E. 1975 and M.M. 1977),Eric Mason (B.S.E.E. 1975),and Patrick L. “Larry” Patton (B.S.E. 1976) …are leading a committee dedicated to...
U of A Alumna Justyce Yuille Selected as Marshall-Motley Scholar
Honors U of A alumna Justyce Yuille, who completed a Bachelor of Arts in political science, African and African American studies and criminal justice, cum laude, in 2020, is one of 10 students nationwide selected to participate in the Marshall-Motley Scholars Program....
Department of Communication Celebrates Alumni at Awards Ceremony
At their 2022 awards ceremony on April 21, the Department of Communication announced the winners of two new awards designed to honor alumni. Rachel Mauchline (B.A. '19) won the Early Career Alumni Award, and Stacy Hurst (B.A. '85) won the Outstanding Alumni Award....