The official blog for the Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences

A Q&A with Social Work Graduate Student Leea Johnson

by | Feb 15, 2023 | Dean's Corner, Faces of Fulbright, Features, Q & A

Leea laughingLeea Johnson, L.S.W.
Graduate Student and Graduate Assistant
School of Social Work and Fulbright Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

In this conversation, Johnson talks about how much they love the social work profession, the joy of helping solve peoples’ problems, how they hope to work on policies and systemic factors to better peoples’ lives, the importance of being open to new experiences even as an introvert, and how much they appreciate their friends and family for their support while they’ve been in this accelerated graduate program.   

 Q: Tell us about your academic passions, research and/or what you studied within the college. What excites you about this? 

Social Work is truly the perfect profession for me. I have always loved the ability to help people, but with a practical and advocacy-based lens that considers all of the systemic factors that impact them. In my graduate studies, I have been able to hone my interests, which are macro and community-level social work. I want to work to help solve people’s current problems, while also being a part of the bigger-picture perspective and policy shift that will provide long-term changes.  

My thesis research is a community needs assessment of the LGBTQIA+ community in the Northwest Arkansas area. The process has been intense, challenging, and mentally stimulating!  

My hope is that we can better understand the current state of the queer community in our area and use that information to strengthen the services that are here and create new services if needed. Ultimately it is an exercise in embracing the fact that if we are wondering how to meet the needs of a community, the best way to start is by asking them directly.  

My thesis research has given me a great opportunity to see if I enjoy research as a potential career path, and it turns out that I do!   

Q: How long have you been at Fulbright College? What have you enjoyed most about your time here?

I completed my undergraduate degree in Social Work at the University of Arkansas in 2017, and it feels so special to be back in the same place continuing my education!  

When I started my initial degree nine years ago I was a different person with a much narrower view of myself and the world, and since then I have had the opportunity to expand my awareness, compassion, and advocacy. Coming into my graduate education felt like a confirmation and continuation of that change.  

I feel grateful and sentimental about the various ideological stages I have passed through to get here, and Fulbright College has been the setting for a lot of that. 

Q: What advice would you give to new students about to join the college? 

Be open! I always tell freshmen to say yes to every single social opportunity for at least the first month of school. If you are an introvert like me, I get why this sounds terrible. But it is important to open yourself up to new friends, causes, and experiences.  

Q: When do you anticipate graduating? Can you tell us a little about your career goals and plans for after graduation? 

I graduate in May 2023, only a few months away! After graduation, I plan to stay in the area and pursue jobs related to research and community organization. I am crossing my fingers that the right job will find me.  

Q: What do you like to do during your time outside of work or the university? 

Because my program is accelerated (just one year) I feel like I have barely had time for anything other than school!  

When I am not doing chores or self-care tasks to help me stay afloat, I enjoy being in nature, attending local drag events, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. I am so thankful to my friends and family who have helped to support me this year!  

Q: What’s up next on the horizon for you? 

I am currently working to complete my thesis research and put together a presentation for the NASW Conference in Little Rock in March.

I also look forward to participating in Lobby Day, to advocate against the anti-drag bill SB43.  

More than anything, I am looking forward to springtime. There is a tree in my front yard that has such a beautiful spring bloom.  

Q: Do you have any social media accounts you’d like for us to tag you in when this story posts?

If you would like, you can tag my personal Instagram @leea_bean and then me and my sibling’s Dungeons and Dragons podcast @critnasty_pod 
