The official blog for the Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences

A Q&A with Fulbright College Dean’s Office’s Debbie Power

by | Mar 4, 2020 | Dean's Corner, Faces of Fulbright, Q & A

Debbie Power
Assistant to the Associate Deans
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences

In this conversation, Power talks about how exciting it is to work with awesome, funny and devoted people in the Dean’s Office; how her coworkers have motivated her to be a better version of herself for the past eight years; how she hopes to make a positive difference in peoples’ lives; and how much she loves being a grandmother, traveling, gardening and exploring beaches.

Q: Tell us a little about your research, academic passions and/or role within the college. What excites you about this?

As assistant to the associate deans, I serve as liaison for the associate dean’s calendars, appointments, and meetings as well as event planning and special projects.

What excites me the most is getting to work with awesome, funny, and devoted people all day long.

I admire them more than they know. They motivate me to be a better version of myself.

I’ve learned that it’s ok for me not to know everything. I may not always have the answer, but I can hopefully point them in the right direction or to the right person.

I am learning all the time, from the best people.

Q: How long have you been at Fulbright College? What have you enjoyed most about your time here?

I came to Fulbright College dean’s office in July of 2012.

The past eight years have been so wonderful as I’ve met so many people from all over the world and every single day I get to work with incredible humans!


Q: What do you most hope your students or colleagues remember from their interactions with you?

I hope my colleagues remember me as being supportive, caring, and compassionate.

Every person has value and I hope they feel valued by me. I want to have a positive impact on people’s lives and make a difference every day.

Q: What do you like to do during your time outside of the university?

Have I mentioned GRANDKIDS???

Liam and Violet live on the east coast and Reid lives in Springdale (and has a brother arriving June/July 2020). I love spending time with my family and traveling to New England. I love being their GAMMY!

Working in my yard helps me to relax. Just because I plant something one year, doesn’t mean it has to stay. I’m notorious for digging up plants (way too often) and moving them to another location.

I also love to cook and host game nights, I can be very competitive.

I love anything outdoors, especially the beach; basking in the sun, beachcombing for shells, and listening to ocean waves.

Decorating is one of my all-time favorite things to do. Indoors, outdoors, my house, your house, office spaces, if it can be decorated, I’m all over it! I think Pinterest was created just for me. 😊

I may have an addiction, chips and salsa!!!

Q: What’s up next on the horizon for you?

I’m going to attempt a German smear mortar wash on the exterior of my house and hope I can move afterwards.

Of course, more travels to the east coast visiting the grands, exploring new beaches, iconic lighthouses and eating seafood!


Andra Parrish Liwag

Director of Communications, J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences 

479-575-4393 //
