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A Q&A with Fulbright College Alumna Elizabeth Prenger

by | Jun 3, 2019 | Alumni, Dean's Corner, Faces of Fulbright, Q & A

Elizabeth Prenger
Strategic Gifts Manager at The Jones Center,
2012 Graduate of the Department of Communication

In this conversation, Prenger talks about her passion for working in nonprofit communications, her experiences working on numerous political campaigns, the importance of networking and finding a good mentor, and remembering to celebrate and savor the successes in work and life.

Q: Can you tell us a little about your career, what you studied in college, and how the two relate to one another?

I had no idea what I wanted to pursue beyond college so when I was asked to join a political campaign in Delaware, I jumped at the adventure.

I was still a few credits short of graduating, so I planned on completing via correspondence. However, entering into the fast paced, sleep deprived world of political activism threw that plan off-course a bit. Over the span of three years, I worked on a gubernatorial race in Delaware, presidential election in Miami, then for a political consulting firm in D.C., and finally, consulted on state-wide and local races around Arkansas.

Having worked with nonprofits while in D.C., I fell in love with the passion and drive that those professionals had, so when I had the opportunity to join an education reform nonprofit, I knew I had landed in my dream sector.

My communications degree helped me with so much in my early career experience – letter writing campaigns, clear communication in email correspondence, constituent outreach and media relations. I still utilize multiple competencies that I learned in college for my nonprofit.

Communication is one of the most important aspects in my line of work.

Q: What has been one or two of the most interesting or exciting accomplishments for you in your career or life post-college?

I was invited to join a bus tour as the communications liaison for a clean energy campaign, where I traveled across the country with war veterans who advocate on behalf on the environment.

I was the only female on a bus full of vets who loved to tell war stories. Needless to say, I will never forget that experience! 

Q: What was one of your favorite memories of your time at the college and why?

I can’t say it is my favorite memory, but I will always remember Rick Stockdale’s broadcast journalism class, specifically the radio lab.

I always had a big anxiety attack before having to go on air, and Professor Stockdale felt so bad for me, that he let me forego taping and just turn in a written assignment.

Ironically enough, I would LOVE to be on the radio or a podcast now!

Q: Now that you’ve achieved so much in your career, what advice would you give to students?

Network, network, network. There are so many people around you who want you to be successful, but they need to know what you are looking for.

If you are looking to join a certain workforce, find a mentor in that area and use that person to navigate difficult decisions and to further your career.

Also, don’t forget to celebrate your work. It’s so easy to move from one project to another without reflecting on the experience. We sometimes focus too much on what went wrong and not what went right.

Q: What do you like to do during your time outside of work? 

I have two small boys, a 3-year-old and 8-month-old, so my husband and I spend most of our free time keeping up with them.

We spend a lot of time outside. We love taking advantage of all of the great thing this region has to offer – Botanical Garden, the AMP, Amazeum, Crystal Bridges, our parks and trails. We go to something fun every weekend at these places!

Q: What’s up next on the horizon for you?

I hope to continue my growth and impact in the nonprofit sector.

I am also trying to break into the influencer/brand ambassador space. Just trying to keep myself young and hip 😉

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add or let readers know?

Follow me on Instagram at @emanneyprenger for cute baby/toddler pics, mental health support and nonprofit tips.

I am also happy to meet for coffee if anyone is interested in learning more about getting involved in the nonprofit community.

Andra Parrish Liwag

Director of Communications, J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences 

479-575-4393 //
